Showing posts with label Fashion Bazar. Show all posts

The Good Old Sunny Days

These pictures were taken a while ago, when the weather was just right in Bucharest, not too hot, not too cold! I think they were taken the day that I went to the Fashion Bazaar Fair. So taking a break from the holidays, I'm going back in the past when everything was green and the sun was shinny (that sounds a bit cheesy). And finally another post about me and my personal style! Even though I have alot of pictures to show you guys, time is a huge problem with me, cuz I have to select what to show you, and correct them a bit if it's necessary, and put my trademark there too, so....Yeah, but I'm coming back slowly now, you'll see much more of me from now on!

 Pozele astea au fost facute in urma cu vreo 2 luni cred, cand vremea era numai potrivita in Bucuresti, nici prea cald sa te sufoci intr'o rochie ca asta pe care o port, nici prea frig, ca sa tremuri! Cred ca au fost facute in ziua in care am fost la targul Fashion Bazaar. Asa ca hai sa luam o pauza de la toata agitatia asta specifica sarbatorilor si sa ne intoarcem un pic in trecut cand totul era verde si soarele stralucea puternic (uite cata inspiratie si cat spirit poetic pe capul meu). Si in sfarsit un post despre mine si numai despre mine (si vremea frumoasa de atunci, pe langa) si stilul meu personal! Chiar daca pe langa pozele astea, in ultimele 2 luni am mai facut si altele ca sa va arat, timpul este o problema fundamentala la mine (la care mai adaugam si o doza mare de lene), pentru ca tb sa selectez pozele, sa le aranjez un pic daca e nevoie si sa imi pun acolo si trademark'ul, asa ca...Dar incetul cu incetul revin in prim plan, si veti vedea mai multe despre mine si cu mine de acum inainte :D

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